Reliable sources of agricultural emission projections data:
- IIASA: IAMC 1.5°C Scenario Explorer. This Scenario Explorer presents climate change mitigation pathways according to the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (SR15).
- CAT: The Climate Action Tracker evaluates countries’ commitments on climate change mitigation and tracks if they are following accordingly. CAT also determines the likely temperature increase by the end of the century as a function of aggregated country actions.
- En-ROADS, C-Roads, and ALPS: Developed by Climate Interactive, En-ROADS is a model that estimates how changes in economic and public policies could affect emissions of GHG and climate outcomes globally. C-Roads is set to estimate the impact of GHG emission reduction in countries’ NDCs. Under development, the Agriculture and Land Policy Simulator (ALPS) will allow users to visualize the likely effect of different policy decisions on food systems and GHG emissions.