Find emission data, emission factors, and scenarios specific to mitigating agricultural emissions below.
Web Resources
The FAOSTAT database provides estimates of historical GHG emissions (1961-present) from agriculture and land use by country, regions and special groups (e.g., least developed countries). GHG emissions are estimated using the Tier 1 IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National GHG Inventories. Data for agriculture includes subsectors, practices, crops and more. To find agricultural emissions data, go to Climate Change> Emissions and select any of the subsectors.
IFASTAT provides statistical information on fertilizer supply and consumption. It includes 15 years of data on global production, trade and supply; and 45 years of data on plant nutrient consumption. In addition to the database it provides market outlooks, factsheets and reports to give an overview of industry trends.
The PRIMAP-hist dataset combines published datasets to create a set of GHG emission pathways. Subsector data for Energy, Industrial Processes and Agriculture is available for CO2, CH4, and N2O. Due to data availability and methodological issues, version 2.3 of the PRIMAP-hist dataset does not include emissions from LULUCF.
Emissions Data
The Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (CAIT) provides GHG emissions data from multiple economic sectors, including agriculture, for 186 countries. CAIT allows analysis of historical and projected future emissions. CAIT estimates rely on data provided by FAO-Stat. CAIT is in the process to migrate to Climate Watch platform, which includes new features for accessing and visualizing emissions data and national and global progress on climate change commitments.
The Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) is an independent database of historical and present day anthropogenic GHG emissions and other air pollutants at global level, separated by country and spatial grid.
The Greenhouse Gas Emission and Removal Estimating System (SEEG) is an initiative of the Climate Observatory that includes the production of annual estimates of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Brazil, India and Peru. The SEEG platform is developed based on national inventories and census following the 2006 IPCC guidelines.
These three datasets contain circa 2000 estimates of total emissions from croplands, per kilocalorie emissions from croplands, and per food kilocalorie emissions from cropland. The datasets are in high spatial detail and are aggregated from the original crop-specific output. It finds that total GHG emissions are largely unrelated to production intensity, therefore mitigation policies should be aimed at areas with both high GHG emissions and intensities.
The World Programme for the Census of Agriculture supports countries in conducting their national agricultural censuses and promotes a standard methodology. Data collected provides a valuable snapshot of the agriculture sector and can help a country make policy decisions and assess the impact of agriculture on the environment.
Emissions Factors
Managed by the Colorado State University, the Global N2O database compiles nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agriculture systems and presents them as an interactive map. The database also draws from four meta-analyses to allow for emission factor comparisons.
The IPCC-emission factor database (EFDB) is a repository for emission factors and associated parameters (i.e., background and technical documentation and references) that can be used for estimating GHG emissions and removals.
The SAMPLES emissions database hosts emission factors and associated metadata from greenhouse gas measurements in agricultural systems. Users can download site-specific emission factors and associated agroecological data for use in greenhouse gas accounting or inventories, find links and contact information to access full datasets for use in biogeochemical modeling, and share data from their own research.
Hosted by SAMPLES (Standard Assessment of Agricultural Mitigation Potential and Livelihoods), the Global N2O Dashboard compiles an up-to-date database of field measurements of agricultural nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from published experiments comparing unfertilized treatments with treatments fertilized with nitrogen.
This dataset is the result of a review of countries' 2015 and 2016 commitments to climate change mitigation and adaptation. It found that they show a strong interest in agriculture. The dataset includes how agriculture is included in the mitigation targets and adaptation priorities of the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) of 189 countries. It also includes a series of maps based on this data and three info notes providing analysis of the review. The aim of this analysis and data is to inform national planning of mitigation and adaptation strategies.
Countries (parties) included in Annex I to the Convention (Annex I Parties) including those that are also Parties to the Kyoto Protocol are obligated to submit their National Communications to the secretariat every four years. This UNFCCC is where the 7th NCs, submitted in 2018 are housed.
Non-Annex I Parties are required to submit their first NC within three years of entering the Convention, and then every four years. This UNFCCC page houses all non-Annex I country submissions.
This website houses all of the nationally determined contributions to the Paris Agreement submitted by country Parties. Most of the NDCs are in English, French, Spanish, Arabic or Russian. The documents are openly available.