Emission Factors

Reliable sources of agricultural emission factors:

  • EFDB: the IPCC-emission factor database is a repository for emission factors and associated parameters (i.e., background and technical documentation and references) that can be used for estimating GHG emissions and removals.
  • SAMPLES Database: This CCAFS website hosts emission factors and associated metadata from greenhouse gas measurements in agricultural systems.
  • Global Nitrogen database: hosted by SAMPLES, it compiles an up-to-date database of field measurements of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agriculture from published data.
  • Global N2O database: managed by the Colorado State University, the Global N2O database compiles nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agriculture systems.
  • Scientific publications: emission factors may be used from scientific articles that report on emissions measurements. Reports of emissions may need to be adjusted for the time period, once publications often estimate emissions on a per season rather than a per-year basis. In addition, it is desirable that emission factors are verified against studies covering more than three years to account for seasonal variability or based on multiple studies.